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For decades, the gold standard for straightening teeth and correcting a misaligned bite has been metal braces. Metal bands with brackets are glued to the teeth, and wires and rubber bands or ligatures are used to hold everything in place. Adjusting the wires and ligatures move the teeth into the desired position. The entire process can take as long as two years.

Traditional braces are still used to help straighten badly misaligned teeth and poor bites, such as crossbites, but there are other alternatives for less severe cases. Avalon Dental Group offers easier ways of straightening those teeth that do not require metal braces. Excellent results can be achieved, sometimes in less time, with more comfortable and more convenient teeth straightening systems.

Invisalign® alignment system – This method of straightening teeth uses sets of clear plastic aligners to gently move teeth to the desired position. The aligners are worn daily for at least 20 hours. They are taken out for meals, snacks and oral hygiene. Unlike metal braces where you need to avoid certain foods, with Invisalign you can eat all your favorites. Take your aligners out for eating, and put them back in when you are finished. Oral hygiene is simple, too. Remove your aligners when your brush and floss your teeth. You can clean the aligners using your toothbrush and warm water.

For cases of serious bite problems or severely crooked or misaligned teeth, traditional metal braces may be required for effective results. When anterior teeth need to be straightened or minor alignment problems are involved, faster, more discreet methods may be used. Invisalign may be the solution to help you achieve your dream of having straighter teeth.

Find out if you are a good candidate for one of these methods of orthodontic treatment. Contact Avalon Dental Group today to schedule your appointment for a consultation.

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